Thrift's Not Dead

My brother’s girlfriend makes me sick. She only washes her face in the shower, sleeps in her mascara and wears it out the next day, never looks bad and never has a zit. She also never pays more than $1.99 for any piece of clothing. She has mastered the art of thrifting years after I gave up on “The Sal” as she calls it. She’s younger than me and has more energy to dig, but I have a hard time understanding how she still finds anything much less the amazing outfits she shows up to Christmas in.

Teresa in a blouse from 1974 and mascara from last night

My days of digging tapered off as I stopped wearing vintage ad tees & jelly bracelets. I found that each trip to Goodwill produced less finds unless I wanted a Barbara Streisand LP or a Florida Blood Services “I donated” XXL t-shirt. Where did all the gems go? The vintage petticoats and wool pencil skirts? They went to another retailer of course. Today, some eager twenty-something’s job description includes the following: drive to every thrift store in town, snag a dead retiree’s 1960’s Chanel Peacoat, pay $3.99, snap a pic, sell it on eBay for $150.00 and repeat. Sometimes they find stuff, sometimes they don’t. What they do find, they keep me from wearing! Since they have picked up the pace, I have deemed thrift stores a moderate waste of time. I don’t have the energy to put forth. So what are my options if I want to be classically clad and not drop anything bigger than a Lincoln?

Teresa (the GF) insists that half-off Wednesdays at the Salvation Army in Tampa have taken over her wardrobe, saved her wallet, and also quenched her thirst for shopping. I need all of the above and I am ready for her to prove me wrong. Since I have showed an interest again, she has already dropped off 2 blazers and 4 silky awesome work shirts she picked up for me (under 20 bucks). I am dedicating this blog post not to entertain or to vent, but to hold myself accountable to revisiting something I once loved to do. Let’s see what we can find.

1 comment:

Arielle M. Myers said...

i feel your pain in being less than successful thrifting ventures. maybe its just tallahassee's thrift stores? or maybe that devon has already taken everything good by the time i get there... ;)
anyways, good luck!